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Signum 3.61.4 Release Notes


SD-69 | Allow Signum Administrator to manage Agents

Bug Fixes

RSB-3 | Certificate Import UI shows that PEM are accepted but they fail uploading.

RSB-5 | Use the correct P11 attribute for Private and Public keys from the HSM with Fortanix

RSB-53 | Upload certificate is shown in direct mode with roled admin user

RSB-60 | Signum Admin can delete it's own Domain

RSB-61 | Admin roled user can't load certificates if groups are not related to the role

RSB-64 | Roled admin can't access to CSRs created by other users

RSB-65 | Roled admin only see the events related to the role.

RSB-70 | Signum Non-Role Error message

RSB-73 | When importing a certificate, it imports with no group assigned

RSB-76 | Improve Policy evaluation through pkcs11

RSB-79 | Change UI "Private" to "Policies"

RSB-82 | Improve error handling without CSR generate permissions

RSB-83 | Trust linux agent not properly validating the SANs of the server

RSB-84 | Improve Error handling while creating CSR

Windows Agent

No updates

Linux Agent

RSB-83 Trust linux agent not properly validating the SANs of the server

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