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Using Signum with Jarsigner


This guide assumes the Signum Linux Agent, Windows Agent and Java have been installed and configured.

Configuration File

Create a configuration file, keyfactorpkcs11.cfg with the below properties.

name = KeyfactorPKCS11
library = /usr/lib/
description = Keyfactor PKCS#11 interface for SmartCard

List the Key Objects

Use keytool to list the keys from the Keyfactor Signum PKCS11 provider:

Demo@Ubuntu:~/java-demo$ keytool -list -storetype PKCS11 -providerClass -providerArg /etc/keyfactor/keyfactorpkcs11.cfg
Enter keystore password:
Keystore type: PKCS11
Keystore provider: SunPKCS11-KeyfactorPKCS11

Your keystore contains 1 entry

EB5686646CD1971792C881AA87E0F2DB2B81FD4C - Certificate, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 29:EE:31:18:C7:1A:4C:5C:41:8C:47:40:B1:90:84:00:36:EB:2D:D4:C1:D1:75:F1:89:07:D6:70:34:FC:3F:80

Signing with Jarsigner

jarsigner -storetype PKCS11 -providerClass -providerArg /etc/keyfactor/keyfactorpkcs11.cfg -tsa HelloWorld.jar 'EB5686646CD1971792C881AA87E0F2DB2B81FD4C - Certificate'

Enter Passphrase for keystore:
jar signed.

The signer certificate will expire on 2027-10-04.
The timestamp will expire on 2031-04-26.

 Verifying with Jarsigner

jarsigner -verify -verbose HelloWorld.jar

s        183 Thu Oct 19 18:39:18 UTC 2023 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
         336 Thu Oct 19 18:39:20 UTC 2023 META-INF/EB568664.SF
        4324 Thu Oct 19 18:39:20 UTC 2023 META-INF/EB568664.RSA
           0 Thu Oct 19 12:47:52 UTC 2023 META-INF/
           0 Thu Oct 19 12:47:52 UTC 2023 com/
           0 Thu Oct 19 12:47:52 UTC 2023 com/example/
           0 Thu Oct 19 12:47:52 UTC 2023 com/example/helloworld/
sm       581 Thu Oct 19 12:47:52 UTC 2023 com/example/helloworld/HelloWorld.class

  s = signature was verified
  m = entry is listed in manifest
  k = at least one certificate was found in keystore

- Signed by "CN=Demo"
    Digest algorithm: SHA-256
    Signature algorithm: SHA384withRSA, 4096-bit key
  Timestamped by "CN=Ben-Final-TSA" on Thu Oct 19 18:39:20 UTC 2023
    Timestamp digest algorithm: SHA-256
    Timestamp signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA, 2048-bit key

jar verified.

The signer certificate will expire on 2027-10-04.
The timestamp will expire on 2031-04-26.


Signing with Jarsigner

PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\demo> jarsigner -storetype Windows-MY -tsa .\HelloWorld.jar "Demo"
jar signed.

The signer certificate will expire on 2027-10-04.
The timestamp will expire on 2031-04-26.


Verifying with Jarsigner

PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\demo> jarsigner -verify .\HelloWorld.jar

jar verified.

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