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Signum 3.73.2 Release Notes


SD-22 | CSR County list updated

Windows Agent

SD-185 | Overall improvements to the windows agent performance. The speed of signing artifacts has been improved by 25% or more.

Linux Agent

RSB-140 | Removed dependency to a Nuget package with a published CVE.

Bug Fixes

RSB-54 | Fixed incorrect error messages for the “manage owner” role permission option

RSB-58 | Fixed Associate certificates view spelling typo

RSB-124 | Fixed issues with 32bit signtool sometimes failing

RSB-125 | Fixed issues with intermittent errors on clients when signing with multiple applications at the same time by adding additional server-side caching

RSB-163 | Fixed the agent service crashing in 32bit Windows.

RSB-166 | Fixed Activation code users the activate button not being visible

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