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SignServer Container Set

The SignServer container set offers components and resources designed to facilitate the deployment and management of SignServer in various environments. It includes Helm charts for easy orchestration and integration with Hardware Security Modules (HSMs). The following lists key components and resources.

SignServer Container Set Components

SignServer containers

  • SignServer Enterprise Edition:

  • Community Edition:

    • signserver-ce - SignServer Community

Helm Charts

  • signserver - SignServer Enterprise Edition and SignServer Community Edition

HSM sidecar containers

  • hsm-driver-utimaco - Utimaco CryptoServer

  • hsm-driver-luna7 - Thales Luna Network HSM 7

  • hsm-driver-softhsm - SoftHSM (for non-production use)

Container registries

SignServer Enterprise containers are available on the Keyfactor Container Registry.

docker pull

SignServer Community containers are available on Docker Hub.

docker pull keyfactor/signserver-ce

Helm Chart registries

SignServer Helm charts.

Enterprise and Community

helm pull oci:// --version <VERSION>

Software Bill of Materials

For a list of components and libraries used in the SignServer container, see the attached Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) file signserver-ee.7.0.0-sbom.json.

The SBOM is generated in Cyclone DX format, a lightweight Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) standard, designed for use in application security contexts.

The SignServer Enterprise Container SBOM is version-specific and is updated when a new release is made available.

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