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Fulfill the Pending ACM PCA Certificate Request

To fulfill the pending ACM PCA Certificate Request, do the following:

  1. Return to the AWS ACM configuration wizard.  
  2. If your console is still open to the Import a signed certificate authority (CA) certificate page, skip to step 8. Otherwise, continue.

  3. Sign in to your AWS account and open the ACM PCA console at

  4. Choose Private CAs.

  5. Select your private CA from the list.

  6. Select Actions > Import CA certificate and then click Next.

  7. Under Certificate body, click File and browse to the signed CA file, here previously called "AWS Corporation CA.pem".
  8. Review the text imported. Remove everything before -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- so the following text is on the first line:
  9. Click File again and browse to the Root CA public certificate file, here previously called "CorporateRootCAG1.pem".
  10. Review the text imported and remove everything before -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- so the following text is on the first line:
  11. Click Next.  
  12. Confirm that the certificates look correct and click Confirm and import
  13. The ACM PCA wizard returns the following success screen:

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