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Changing SaaS Subscription Deployment Size

The following describes how to change a SaaS subscription deployment size.

The contract subscription options allow you to scale to your organization's needs. AWS allows users to select a higher option at any time, billing the account the difference. For more information on EJBCA SaaS contract subscription options, see Contract Subscription Options.

Note that changing the contract size will cause a brief outage to your EJBCA SaaS deployment while the application containers, database, and any other components are upgraded to the new size. If you need to avoid downtime, we recommend you perform this process during a maintenance window.

Change a SaaS Subscription Deployment Size

To change your current SaaS contract, do the following.

  1. Access your original subscription in one of the following two ways:
    1. Search the AWS Marketplace for "EJBCA SaaS" and select the product listing you are subscribed to.
    2. In the AWS Console, search for "marketplace subscriptions".
  2. The Manage subscriptions page displays the subscription to the product you are subscribed to. Click Manage.
  3. Select Actions and click View Terms.
  4. Once in the product details, select the deployment size you would like to move to. For capacities and specifications of each deployment size, see the EJBCA SaaS Contract Subscription Options overview.
  5. AWS displays the amount and any delta between the old contract and the new contract will be charged to your AWS Account. Click Modify current contract to complete the process.

    Changing the contract size will cause a brief outage to your EJBCA SaaS deployment while the application containers, database, and any other components are upgraded to the new size. Perform this process during a maintenance window if downtime is problematic.

  6. While AWS processes the entitlement change, a notification appears informing you the contract is pending. 

  7. An outage will occur within the EJBCA SaaS while the deployment is resized automatically.
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