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EJBCA SaaS 2.0 Release Notes


PrimeKey is pleased to announce the release of EJBCA SaaS 2.0.

This release introduces an additional version of EJBCA SaaS that can be deployed with CloudHSM protected keys. The release also brings many user interface enhancements.


CloudHSM Deployment Option

CloudHSM is now an available deployment option. AWS CloudHSM is a cloud-based hardware security module (HSM) that enables you to generate and use your own encryption keys on the AWS Cloud. With CloudHSM, you can manage your own encryption keys using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated HSMs. For more information, refer to AWS CloudHSM.

Visit the AWS Marketplace listings to start your deployment today. Pick the CloudHSM product and region:

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

New Features

SU-71 - Provisioning process for CloudHSM keys in sub AWS account

SU-124 - Notify saasdev@c2company on any deployment tasks that take longer than 1 hour

SU-142 - Cloudwatch agent needs to be added to the nodeJS server

SU-185 - CloudHSM Support

SU-320 - SaaS npm staging build S3 upload

SU-350 - Add subnet mask to cidrValidation messages


SU-108 - Optimize compute across EKS clusters

SU-145 - RootCA Failure Message

SU-180 - Refactor AWS Session Dialog

SU-182 - Email layout

SU-193 - Monitor K8s status for failures

SU-268 - Export Customer SaaS Infrastructure for Service Now

SU-271 - Keyfactor SaaS Entry Point

SU-341 - React query still running when invalid session

SU-346 - Invalid Session error -> errors

Bug Fixes

SU-220 - SaaS - Update useEffect dependency arrays to include all deps

SU-352 - Adding CA certs, no update until refresh

SU-369 - Moreinfo bug fixes

SU-374 - Up/Down arrows on Table sort not switching

SU-375 - Resolving HSM deployment issues

SU-370 - Multi-User KF Email Bug

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