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EJBCA SaaS 2.10 Release Notes

APRIL 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of EJBCA SaaS 2.10.

This release introduces the functionality to support user self-service updating of EJBCA certificates in the portal, via the Trust & Identity page.


New Trust & Identity page

Users with the correct privileges can now add and remove entries from the Truststore. Additionally, users can also replace the TLS certificate and private key.

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

New Features

  • SU-873, SU-871, SU-874 - Update EJBCA Certificates, including new page, new routing, new privileges


  • SU-436, SU-437 - Display more metadata about users, including created/updated/last login dates
  • SU-882, SU-883 - Client and Server dependency updates

Bug Fixes

  • SU-888 - Fixing unexpected error displaying after session timeout

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