EJBCA 7.7.0 Upgrade Notes
Below are important changes and requirements when upgrading from EJBCA 7.6 to EJBCA 7.7.
For upgrade instructions and information on upgrade paths, see Upgrading EJBCA. For details of the new features and improvements in this release, see the EJBCA 7.7.0 Release Notes.
Behavioral Changes
Approvals for ACME account management
EJBCAs ACME implementation now supports approvals for the newAccount and keyChange resources.
RA Name Generation Scheme for ACME
The name for end entities used to issue certificates with EJBCAs ACME implementation can be determined by a name generation scheme. The functionality supports prefixes and postfixes with either random, constant, or end entity names derived by the subject DN attributes such as the CN or others.