ServiceNow REST Integration - Configure EJBCA
The following outlines the EJBCA configuration steps required to Integrate a ServiceNow instance with EJBCA using the REST API.
Enable REST Protocol
To enable the REST protocol:
- Log into the EJBCA Admin Web.
- Select System Configuration under System Configuration.
- Select Protocol Configuration.
- Verify the following protocols are enabled:
- REST Certificate Management
- REST End Entity Management
For more information about the EJBCA REST API, see EJBCA REST Interface.
Issue ServiceNow Admin Credential
The following provides the steps required to issue a ServiceNow administrator credential.
Create User Certificate Profile
The following describes how to create a user certificate profile in EJBCA.
If a User Certificate Profile (Client Authentication) already exists, proceed to the section ServiceNow REST Integration - Configure EJBCA#Create User End Entity Profile.
To create a user certificate profile:
- Select Certificate Profiles under CA Functions.
- Select Clone under Actions in the ENDUSER row.
- Enter tlsClientAuth in the Name of new certificate profile field.
- Select Edit under Actions in the tlsClientAuth row.
- Select RSA in Available Key Algorithms.
- Select 2048 and 3072 from Available Bit Lengths.
- Set the Validity or end date of the certificate to 1y.
- In the X.509v3 extensions (Usages) section, select Client Authentication from Extended Key Usages.
- In the X.509v3 extensions (Validation Data) section, select the following:
- CRL Distribution Points
- Use CA defined CRL Distribution Point
- Authority Information Access
- Use CA defined OCSP locator
- Use CA defined CA Issuer
- Clear the LDAP DN Order option.
- Click Save to create the certificate profile.
Create User End Entity Profile
The following describes how to create a user end entity profile in EJBCA.
If a User End Entity Profile already exists, proceed to section Issue ServiceNow Admin Credential.
To create a user end entity profile:
- Select End Entity Profiles under RA Functions.
- In the Add End Entity Profile field.
- Enter tlsClientAuth and click Add profile.
- Select tlsClientAuth and click Edit End Entity Profile.
- In the Main Certificate Data section near the bottom, select the following:
- Default Certificate Profile: tlsClientAuth
- Available Certificate Profiles: tlsClientAuth
- Default CA: Desired Issuing CA
- Available CAs: Desired Issuing CA
- Click Save to create the end entity profile.
Issue ServiceNow Admin Credential
To issue a ServiceNow administrator credential:
- Select RA Web to access the RA Web and select Make New Request.
- From the Certificate Type drop-down, select tlsClientAuth.
If an End Entity profile already existed for Client Authentication, select that profile instead
- Select By the CA to enable EJBCA to generate the key pair.
- Enter ServiceNow REST Admin in the CN, Common Name field.
- Enter servicenow_rest_admin in the Username field.
- Enter a password in the Enrollment Code field.
- Enter the password in the Confirm Enrollment Code field.
- Select Download PKCS#12 (P12) and save the P12 locally.
- From the top of the page, select Search.
- Select Certificates.
- Enter ServiceNow Rest Admin in the Search field.
- Copy the serial number.
Do not copy the decimal version in the parenthesis.
Create/Modify Registration Authority Role
To add a Registration Authority role:
- Select Roles and Access Rules under the System Functions menu.
- If a Registration Authority role does not exist, perform the following to create one:
- Click Add.
- Enter Registration Authority and click Add.
- Select Access Rules.
- Select all applicable Authorized CAs.
- Select all applicable End Entity Profiles.
- Click Save.
- Select Members next to Registration Authority.
- Select the Issuing CA of the P12 certificate from the CA drop-down list.
- Enter the Serial Number of the certificate in the Match Value.
- Enter ServiceNow REST Admin in the description field.
- Click Add to add the role.
If using an External RA for proxying REST calls, verify the /administrator rule is set to Allow in the RA-Peering role on the EJBCA CA.
For more information on roles and access rules in EJBCA, see Roles and Access Rules.
Next: Configure ServiceNow
Next, find instructions on how to Configure ServiceNow.