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EJBCA Appliance eIDAS edition 1.1.0 Release Notes

PrimeKey is pleased to announce the release of EJBCA Hardware Appliance eIDAS edition version 1.1.0.

PrimeKey's new EJBCA Hardware Appliance eIDAS edition is a turn-key hardware appliance, including a Common Criteria PP5 certified HSM, that brings enterprise-grade security keeping all cryptographic keys secure and thus provides a solid and long-lasting solution for modern eIDAS Qualified Trust Services Providers (QTSPs). For more information, see the EJBCA Appliance eIDAS edition Introduction.

EJBCA Enterprise

EJBCA Enterprise eIDAS edition

EJBCA Hardware Appliance eIDAS edition includes EJBCA Enterprise eIDAS edition version

For more information, see the EJBCA eIDAS edition and the EJBCA Release Notes.

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