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Managing End Entities

Managing End Entities is a task performed by administrators on a regular basis. In larger PKI deployments, dedicated staff is assigned the management of end entities and associated CRL lists.

Use-Case: Search for end entities

To search for end entities, proceed as follows:

  1. Open EJBCA Enterprise. In the sidebar, in the RA Functions section, select Search End Entities.

  2. In the field Search end entity with username enter Auth_User_1.

  3. Click Search.

Certificate Revocation

As described previously, there is no mechanism for recalling a certificate once it has been issued. Although there would be a business need to disable use of the certificate once it has been issued. This could be for a number of reasons.

As an example, if a user loses a token that contains their certificate, this needs be revoked so that a person who finds this cannot use it in the digital environment.

In the real world, black lists serve this purpose. If for example, a user loses their passport, the passport number is added to a blacklist of lost passports. Thus this passport cannot be used in the future.

In a similar manner if a certificate is to be revoked, this is added to a black list. This black list is updated on a regular basis and circulated and published in a manner accessible to subscribers. This list is referred to as a certificate revocation list (CRL)

It may also be possible to provide a service for online checking where by a third party that wishes to check the validity of a certificate.

Use-Case: Revoke a Certificate

To revoke a certificate using EJBCA, proceed as follows:

  1. Open EJBCA Enterprise. In the sidebar, in the RA Functions section, select Search End Entities.

  2. In the field Search end entity with username enter Auth_User_1.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click View Certificates for Auth_User_1.
  5. Select Unspecified as the revocation reason, and click Revoke.

  6. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to revoke the certificate. Click OK to accept.

  7. Close the popup window.

Use-Case: Re-issue a Certificate

To re-issue a certificate using EJBCA, do the following:

  1. Open EJBCA Enterprise. In the sidebar, in the RA Functions section, select Search End Entities.

  2. In the field Search end entity with username enter Auth_User_1.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click Edit End Entity for Auth_User_1.

  5. In the fields Password and Confirm Password enter foo123.

  6. Set Status to New and click Save.

  7. Open the RA Web GUI.

  8. From the top menu click the drop-down menu for Enroll.

  9. Chose Use Username from the drop down menu. Make the following entries:

  1. Username: Enter Auth_User_1
  2. Enrollment code: Enter foo123
  3. Click Check to continue.

  4. For Key algorithm select RSA 1024 bits from the drop down menu.
  5. Click Download PKCS#12 to continue.
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