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Step 1: Configuring the Smart Card in Firefox

For the following process description, we have used the following:

  • Smart card: MARX CrypToken from SafeSign
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04
  • Drivers used for the smart card: SafeSignIdentityClient-3.0-33.amd64.deb

The process can be followed analogously with other smart cards.

Proceed as follows to install the super admin certificate via Firefox:

  1. In Firefox, open Options, click Privacy & Security in the left-side bar and scroll down to the section Security:

  2. Click Security Devices... to open the Firefox Device Manager:

  3. Click Load on the right to define a new security device.

  4. In the Load dialog, enter Module Name and Module filename. The value for Module filename must point to the library that the smart card is using:

  5. The new device is now listed in the Device Manager window.
    Select the device, click Load from the side menu and enter the master password of the smart card.

  6. Click OK to log in. With the successful login the smart card is correctly configured with Firefox.

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