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The following provides a brief introduction to SignServer Enterprise and information on how to access SignServer from the Hardware Appliance WebConf. For more information on SignServer, refer to the latest SignServer product documentation on

SignServer Introduction

SignServer is a framework designed to perform different kinds of digital signatures for different applications.

SignServer digitally signs your documents, code, time-stamping, and ePassports. It ensures secure signature keys and simple, secure and verifiable workflows.

  • Code Signing: MS Authenticode, Java including Android APK and Generic.
  • Document Signing: PDF, XML, XAdES (BES and T).
  • Time Stamping: RFC 3161 and MS Authenticode time stamps, ETSI compliant.
  • ePassports: ICAO compliant MRTD signer.

For more information, refer to the SignServer product documentation section SignServer Introduction.

The following sections are only relevant for Hardware Appliances with the SignServer Enterprise application enabled.

Accessing SignServer

To access SignServer from the Hardware Appliance WebConf, go to the Platform tab. The Applications section lists the applications installed on your platform, along with the corresponding access links. Select the SignServer link under Service Access to access the SignServer Enterprise.

SignServer can also be accessed directly using the IP address according to the following example, http://<IPAddress>/signserver/.

Note that your web browser needs access to your client certificate obtained during the Hardware Appliance installation.

In the displayed SignServer Enterprise, the following resources are available:

Local Resources

  • Client Web: Upload forms for requesting signing (or validation) of documents or files of different types.
  • Health Check: Page providing the status for configured workers.
  • Client CLI Download: Allows downloading the SignServer Client CLI SignClient, a tool used for sending signing requests to SignServer.
  • Administration Web: The SignServer Administration Web (AdminWeb) allows configuring, administrating, and managing SignServer on the Hardware Appliance

Online Resources

  • SignServer Web site: Links to
  • PrimeKey Documentation: SignServer product documentation with instructions on how to install, set up, and use SignServer.

SignServer Administration Web 

The SignServer Administration Web enables the configuration, administration and management of SignServer on the Hardware Appliance.

To access the SignServer Administration Web, see Accessing SignServer above.

Note that your web browser needs access to your client certificate obtained during the Hardware Appliance installation.

The SignServer Administration Web displays status information at the top-right. You can access the various administration web pages via the menu bar (see below).

Administration Web pages

The Administration Web pages (for selection in the menu bar) and links to further information in the SignServer product documentation are listed below.

  • Workers: Lists the configured workers and their status.
  • Global Configuration: Lists the global configuration properties and allows you to add new properties, and edit or remove existing properties.
  • Administrators: Lists the administrator certificates that have been explicitly granted access and specific roles.
  • Audit Log: Enables the audit log to be queried.

    Note that access to the audit log is only allowed for administrators who have been explicitly assigned the Auditor role. To edit the authorized administrators, go to the Administrators tab, select Add and then Load Current to use the values from your administrator certificate, and select the Auditor role. For more information, see Administrators.
  • Archive: Allows querying the archive. 

    Note that access to the audit log is only allowed for administrators who have been explicitly assigned the Auditor role. For more information, see Administrators.
  • Documentation: Links to the SignServer product documentation, such as instructions on how to install, set up, and use SignServer. Also includes information on features and improvements in each SignServer release and requirements for upgrading to a newer version.

For more information on the SignServer Administration Web, see the SignServer Documentation section Administration Web.

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