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Hostname Configuration

It is possible to configure a Hostname for the Next Generation Hardware Appliance.

  1. Log in to the Next Generation Hardware Appliance.

  2. Open the Network page.

  3. In the section Network Configuration you are requested to add a valid FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).

  4. Continue with Save Network Configuration.

  5. A warning appears:
    Request to save the new hostname and reload the page.
    You will be informed that if the host name is set, the connection to the server will be interrupted.
    Make sure the hostname can be resolved with the configured IP address of the Hardware Appliance.

    Otherwise you won't be able to access the appliance with the provided hostname.
    The page must then be reloaded in the browser.

    If the hostname entered cannot be resolved via the configured name servers, a different warning will appear.

  6. Accept the warning with Save.

  7. A dialog appears indicating that the browser will be redirected as soon as the configuration change is complete. This process takes a few seconds.
    The appliance can now be accessed via the configured host name.

To remove the configured hostname follow the steps as described above, but leave the hostname empty.

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