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Access: Platform Settings

Internal Platform OpenID Connect Provider Settings

You can deactivate the OpenID Connect (OIDC) login for endpoints that are used by SignServer. This enables to fully use the user account management of SignServer.

To deactivate the OIDC login, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Next Generation Hardware Appliance.

  2. Open the Access page.

  3. In the section Platform settings, disable the option Require platform user account for SignServer management.

  4. Confirm your settings with Save Settings.

You can now fully use the user account management of SignServer.

Maintenance Mode

Turning on Maintenance Mode will shut down the application to prevent write operations to the database.

To activate the Maintenance Mode, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Next Generation Hardware Appliance.

  2. Open the Access page.

  3. In the section Platform settings, enable the option: Run Appliance in Maintenance Mode.

  4. Confirm your settings with Save Settings.

All HTTP endpoints of the application will return a HTTP status code 503 while Maintenance Mode is active.

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