Settings: Update
The update archives have to be uploaded to a NFS located in your network and reachable for the Next Generation Hardware Appliance.
A recent backup has been taken.
Do not restart or shut down the appliance while the Update is running.
To start the Update process:
Log in to Next Generation Hardware Appliance.
Open the Settings page.
Scroll down to the Appliance Update section.
Enter your NFS URL to browse to your update location.
A storage browser opens. Select/Navigate to the path where the update is located.
Click on Directories to navigate one level down or click .. One level up to return to the previous level.Select the update file to be installed.
Confirm a recent backup was taken and tick the check mark.
Click on Use this Update to confirm your choice.
The appliance will install the update and displays the current state in the Appliance Update section.
As soon as the installation has finished, a reboot is required to complete the Update. Trigger the Reboot via Webconf or from the Front Panel section.
The reboot will take a couple of minutes. When the appliance is up and running again, proceed as follow:
Log in to Next Generation Hardware Appliance.
Make sure the Application and all configured Services are fully functional.
Open the Settings page.
Scroll down to the Appliance Update section.
There are two options now:
In case an error occured during the update process or Application and Services are malfunction, there is a possibility to Rollback to the last firmware version before the update. Click on Rollback to proceed.
If the update process was successful and all Application and Services are running as expected, click on Accept Update to confirm.
The update to a new firmware version is now complete.