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This guide describes how to upgrade from one version of SignServer to another instance with a newer version. The same instructions apply to restore the backup of an instance to another for disaster recovery purposes.

The SignServer Cloud instances that are purchased on an hourly basis, are designed to be terminated after an upgrade to a new instance is made. Instance termination avoids a detailed upgrade process in place of running a backup and restore script.

In the example used in this guide, the source host is running SignServer 4.3.0 and the destination host is running SignServer 4.3.1:

  • The source host running SignServer 4.3.0 has an elastic (public) IP of:
  • The destination host running SignServer 4.3.1 has an elastic (public) IP of:

When the upgrade is complete, all of the workers and data on the source node running 4.3.0 are migrated over to the new 4.3.1 version.

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