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Request a certificate to be validated by the specified service.

usage: Usage: signclient validatecertificate <options>

 -cert <cert-file>              Path to certificate file (DER or PEM)
 -certpurposes <certpurposes>   A ',' separated string containing
                                requested certificate purposes.
 -der                           Certificate is in DER format.
 -help                          Display this info
 -hosts <hosts>           A ',' separated string containing the
                                hostnames of the validation service nodes.
                                Ex ','.
                                When using the HTTP protocol, only one
                                host name can be specified. (Required).
 -pem                           Certificate is in PEM format (Default).
 -port <port>                   Remote port of service (Default is 8080 or
                                8442 for SSL).
 -protocol <protocol>           Protocol to use, either WEBSERVICES or
                                HTTP. Default: WEBSERVICES.
 -service <service-name>        The name or ID of the validation service
                                to process request. (Required)
 -silent                        Don't produce any output, only return
 -truststore <jks-file>         Path to JKS truststore containing trusted
                                CA for SSL Server certificates.
 -truststorepwd <password>      Password to unlock the truststore.

The following values is returned by the program that can be used when scripting.
  -2   : Error happened during execution
  -1   : Bad arguments
   0   : Certificate is valid
   1   : Certificate is revoked
   2   : Certificate is not yet valid
   3   : Certificate have expired
   4   : Certificate doesn't verify
   5   : CA Certificate have been revoked
   6   : CA Certificate is not yet valid
   7   : CA Certificate have expired
   8   : Certificate have no valid certificate purpose

Sample usages:
a) validatecertificate -service CertValidationWorker -hosts localhost -cert
b) validatecertificate -service 5806 -hosts localhost -cert certificate.pem
    -truststore p12/truststore.jks -truststorepwd changeit
c) validatecertificate -service CertValidationWorker -hosts localhost
    -cert certificate.pem -protocol HTTP

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