CESeCore Security Events Logger
The default logging implementation, org.signserver.server.log.SignServerLog4jDevice uses Log4J and a similar logging format as the old SystemLogger.
Signed log
To enable signed audit logs, configure conf/databaseprotection.properties (see conf/databaseprotection.properties.sample).
Also, set the following to enable signing of the AuditRecordData table as well as verification of the log entries queried using for instance the CLII:
databaseprotection.enablesign.AuditRecordData = true
databaseprotection.enableverify.AuditRecordData = true
If enableverify is set to true, all individual log entries that are displayed using CLI or over web services are verified at the server side and in case of inconsistent signatures an error message is displayed. This verification will not discover missing log entries. To verify the complete log for all nodes as well as detect gaps in the sequence numbering, run the Database CLI.
Each SignServer node writing to the audit log needs to use different node IDs. By default, the hostname is used. If multiple instances are running from the same host, set the node ID manually in conf/cesecore.properties as cluster.nodeid.
If signing and/or verification is enabled, one or more crypto tokens need to be configured.
PKCS#11 Example using Default Provider
It is recommended to use the same type of PKCS#11 provider for database protection as the other signers are also using. If the signers are using the PKCS11CryptoToken the below crypto token called org.cesecore.keys.token.PKCS11CryptoToken should be used:
databaseprotection.keyid = 400
databaseprotection.keyid.0 = 400
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = dbProtKey
databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.cesecore.keys.token.PKCS11CryptoToken
databaseprotection.properties.0 = sharedLibrary=/opt/utimaco/Software/PKCS11/lib/Linux-x86-64/libcs2_pkcs11.so, slotLabelType=SLOT_NUMBER, slotLabelValue=1
databaseprotection.data.0 =
databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = userpin1
databaseprotection.version.0 = 2
PKCS#11 Example using P11NG Provider
It is recommended to use the same type of PKCS#11 provider for database protection as the other signers are also using. If the signers are using the P11NGCryptoToken the below crypto token called org.signserver.p11ng.common.cryptotoken.P11NGDatabaseProtectionCryptoToken should be used:
databaseprotection.keyid = 400
databaseprotection.keyid.0 = 400
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = dbProtKey
databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.signserver.p11ng.common.cryptotoken.P11NGDatabaseProtectionCryptoToken
databaseprotection.properties.0 = SHAREDLIBRARYNAME=Utimaco, SLOTLABELTYPE=SLOT_NUMBER, SLOTLABELVALUE=1, pin=userpin1
databaseprotection.data.0 =
databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = userpin1
databaseprotection.version.0 = 2
databaseprotection.sigalg.2 = SHA256WithRSA
REST HSM Example using Fortanix Crypto Token
To enable database protection using Fortanix REST API, the api token must be provided in the databaseprotection.properties file.
databaseprotection.keyid = 400
databaseprotection.keyid.0 = 400
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = dbProtKey
databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.signserver.server.enterprise.cryptotokens.CryptoTokenAdapter
databaseprotection.properties.0 = implementationClass=org.ejbca.keys.token.FortanixCryptoToken, fortanixBaseAddress=https://apps.smartkey.io
databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = api-token
databaseprotection.data.0 =
databaseprotection.version.0 = 2
databaseprotection.sigalg.0 = SHA256WithRSA
REST HSM Example using Azure Key Vault
To enable database protection using Azure Key Vault REST API, the name of the key vault, a client id, vault type (standard or premium), and secret must be provided in the databaseprotection.properties file.
databaseprotection.keyid = 400
databaseprotection.keyid.0 = 400
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = dbProtKey
databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.signserver.server.enterprise.cryptotokens.CryptoTokenAdapter
databaseprotection.properties.0 = implementationClass=org.cesecore.keys.token.AzureCryptoToken, keyVaultName=vault-name, keyVaultClientID=client-id, keyVaultType=standard/premium
databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = secret
databaseprotection.data.0 =
databaseprotection.version.0 = 2
databaseprotection.sigalg.0 = SHA256WithRSA
AuditRecordData table
The exact database table structure is described in the SQL scripts available under doc/sql-scripts/.
Friendly Name | Table Name | Description |
Time | timeStamp | Time stamp (number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT). Example:
Outcome | eventStatus | Status/result of the operation performed. Can be:
Event | eventType | The event. Some examples:
Module | module | The source module of the event. Some examples:
Service | service | The service performing the operation. Some examples:
Admin Subject | authToken | Information about which administrator performed the operation. If the operation was performed over web services, subject DN from the administrator's certificate:
If the EJB remote interface was used, subject DN from the CLI User:
If it was an internal operation, subject DN from the name of the service.
If the request came from a client, subject DN from Client User.
Admin Serial Number | searchDetail1 | Information about which administrator performed the operation. Certificate serial number for the administrator performing the operation (if available). Example:
Admin Issuer | customId | Information about which administrator performed the operation. Issuer DN from the administrator's certificate (if available). Example:
Worker ID | searchDetail2 | ID of worker involved in the operation (if any). Example: 71 |
Node | nodeId | ID of the node (typically the hostname if not explicitly specified). Example:
Details | additionalDetails | Additional key-value pairs with information about the operation encoded with Java XML serialization. Example:
Sequence Number | sequenceNumber | Sequence number of the log entry. Should be unique and sequential per node. |
Row Protection | rowProtection | Contains information about key-pair and signature algorithm used, and the actual signature value (if the row is signed). Example:
Alternative Low-Performance Integrity Protected Log Device
By default, the IntegrityProtectedLogDevice is used for audit logging to the database. However, there are situations where gaps may occur in the sequence number, for example if the database or HSM is unavailable when the logging is being performed. Normally when this happens, the times of the missing sequence numbers can be correlated to error messages in other logs for database or HSM failures. The operations that the missing sequence numbers represent were not executed since the logging that failed always is performed first. Thus, no log rows are actually missing, it is the counter that has incorrect values.
To solve the above issue, an alternative IntegrityProtectedLogDevice can be used that works sequentially and only logs one row at the time and only proceeds with the next one after the first succeeds. The disadvantage is significant less performance.
To configure the alternative device, edit the conf/cesecore.properties
file and comment out the default IntegrityProtectedLogDevice and instead set the SequencialIntegrityProtectedLogDevice according to the following example:
Note that SignServer must be redeployed for the changes in conf/cesecore.properties
to take effect.