General properties
Property | Description |
CRYPTOTOKEN_IMPLEMENTATION | Fully qualified class name of the Crypto token implementation to use. See the following sections for available Crypto tokens. |
KEYALG | Key algorithm to use when generating new keys. Only for Crypto tokens supporting key generation. |
KEYSPEC | Key specification to use when generating new keys. Only for Crypto tokens supporting key generation. |
KEYGENERATIONLIMIT | Limit for the maximum number of keys allowed to be generated. If set and set to 0 or a positive value, key generation is not allowed if the current number of keys equals to or is larger than this value. Default: "" = no limit. |
SELFSIGNED_DN | Distinguished Name (DN) to use as issuer and subject DN in the self-signed certificate instead of the default one.
SELFSIGNED_SIGNATUREALGORITHM | Signature algorithm to use in the self-signed certificate instead of the default "SHA1withRSA".
SELFSIGNED_VALIDITY | Validity time (in seconds) to use in the self-signed certificate instead of the default of about 30 years. If a validity time in seconds would exceed year 9999, it will be defaulted to the date 9999-12-31 23:59:59 UTC.