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Before installing SignServer, review this list of required software to be installed. 

OpenJDK 17

Java 17 needs to be supported by your application server, for example WildFly 26+.
The PKCS11CryptoToken does not work on Java 17 unless the Java process that runs the application server is passed the JAVA_OPTS parameter "--add-exports=jdk.crypto.cryptoki/". See Troubleshooting.

OpenJDK 11

Required, if building SignServer.

Application Server
WildFly 24, 26For instructions on how to set up your application server, see Application Server Setup.
JBoss EAP 7.4For instructions on how to set up your application server, see Application Server Setup.
MariaDB 5.5/10Recommended.

MySQL 5.5

PostgreSQL 9
Oracle Database 10/11g
Microsoft SQL Server

You can choose to install SignServer without a database management system and instead rely on SignServer to manage persistence using local files, see SignServer without Database.

Deployment Tool
Apache Ant 1.9.1 or later
Optional: Build Tool
Apache Maven 3.2.5 or laterOnly required when building SignServer from source.
Optional: Locale
UTF-8This makes sure the file name is properly sent back from SignServer even with special characters.

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