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SignServer Community 6.3 Release Notes


The SignServer team is pleased to announce the newest release of our open-source signing software SignServer Community Edition with version 6.3 and thank each and every SignServer Contributor for your work in getting us here.

These release notes cover new SignServer Community features and improvements implemented between SignServer Community 6.2 and SignServer Community 6.3.

This release extends the SignServer REST API, adds support for Microsoft SQL database support, and includes several improvements as well as error corrections.


Extended SignServer REST API

SignServer 6.3 continues to expand the REST API. It is now possible to list all workers and get the configuration of a given worker. For more information, see REST Interface.

Microsoft SQL Server database support

SignServer now supports Microsoft SQL Server as database in addition to previous support for MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

Documentation on Keyfactor Docs

As of SignServer 6.3, the SignServer product documentation is available at

Bouncy Castle upgraded to 1.78

Bouncy Castle has been upgraded to 1.78 in SignServer 6.3.


Upcoming Technology Stack upgrade in SignServer 7

As a Java application running on an application server, SignServer 6.3 runs on WildFly 24/26 or JBoss EAP 7.4 and supports running on Java 11 or Java 17. Due to changes in recent WildFly versions and JBoss EAP 8 that are not backward compatible with WildFly 26 and JBoss 7.4, the upgrade from SignServer 6 to the upcoming new major version SignServer 7 will require a complete tech stack upgrade. 

Overview of the SignServer 6 and SignServer 7 tech stacks.

SignServer users with software-based deployments are advised to plan for an upgrade to the SignServer 7 tech stack once SignServer 7 is released during the second half of 2024.

Downloads and Resources

SignServer Community releases follow the release schedule for the Enterprise Edition, including all major releases.

There are several options available for downloading the latest SignServer Community:

  • SignServer Community is available for download from GitHub.
  • SignServer Community Container is available for download from Docker Hub.
  • SignServer Community container is available for download from the AWS marketplace.
  • SignServer Community is available for download from SourceForge.

Get the latest news about SignServer Community initiatives and open-source products - sign up for our community newsletter.

Find links to downloads, how-to guides, video tutorials, and documentation at

Want to learn more about our open-source software? Get in touch over at SignServer Discussions on GitHub, a collective space where you can share feedback and contribute ideas to future releases. We would love to hear from you.

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