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SignServer Software Appliance 2.6.2 Release Notes


We are pleased to announce the release of SignServer Software Appliance 2.6.2.

This release brings support for Application Trust Store modification for Secure LDAP and Database Connections.


Custom JVM Truststore Support

The latest release introduces the ability to override the default JVM truststore in the SignServer application with a custom Java Key Store (JKS). Users can now upload individual certificates or complete certificate bundles directly into the application truststore, allowing for more flexible trust management. Any updates to the JKS will automatically restart the application container to apply the changes.

Additionally, users can reset the truststore to its default state, clearing all custom certificates. This new feature enables secure usage of SignServer functionalities, such as:

  • TLS connections to external DBMS

  • LDAP Publisher and LDAP Search Publisher

This enhancement provides greater flexibility and security when managing external connections that require modifications to the JVM truststore.

Improvements and Corrections

The following lists other improvements and corrections included in the release.

  • Shutdown and Reboot the appliance via Webconf

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