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Native Signing Tools

In general, users can sign with Signum using any platform native signing tool that can access certificates using Microsoft's KSP interface for cryptographic service providers, or with a PKCS11 interface. There are several benefits to signing with platform native signing tools including:

  • Users can utilize signing tools they are already familiar with and that are broadly supported by their operating system.

  • Signature verification is simple because it is typically built into the native tool.

  • Eliminates signature formatting issues.

Below are some popular native signing tools that can be used with Signum.


  • Microsoft Signtool

  • VBA Signing for Office Macros

  • OpenSSL

  • Jsign

  • Jarsigner and apk signing

  • Container signing with Cosign

  • Dotnet Nuget signing

  • Adobe PDFs

  • Microsoft Hardware Lab Kit (HLK)

  • Microsoft’s Set-Authenticode Signature

  • Microsoft ClickOnce

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