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EJBCA Cloud 2.3 Release Notes

PrimeKey is proud to announce the release of EJBCA Cloud 2.3.


EJBCA Enterprise Upgrade

EJBCA Cloud updates EJBCA Enterprise to version 7.4.1, see EJBCA Release Notes.

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

EC-160 - Upgrade EJBCA to 7.4.1

EC-159 - Change memory usage for WildFly on 8GB instances

EC-158 - Fixed errors on backup and restore scripts for RDS/Local installs.

Upgrade Information

The following provides important information on changes and requirements to be aware of when upgrading.

For information on how to upgrade an EJBCA Cloud hourly instance node from one version of EJBCA to another, see the EJBCA Cloud AWS Restore and Upgrade Guide and EJBCA Cloud Azure Restore and Upgrade Guide, respectively.

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