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EJBCA SaaS 1.1.0 Release Notes

PrimeKey is pleased to announce the release of EJBCA SaaS 1.1.0.

With this release, we have improved the security and user experience of the PrimeKey SaaS portal by adding 2FA for portal authentication and Root CA startup


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

You can now enable 2FA in the newly added Profile page of the EJBCA SaaS portal. Optionally, 2FA can be enabled for Root CA startup for added security. This token can also be enrolled by a dedicated security officer for added separation of roles.

For more information, see Navigating PrimeKey SaaS Portal - Root CA and Enable Two-Factor Authentication.

The EJBCA Configuration Guide has been reworked to provide greater detail when configuring EJBCA in EJBCA SaaS, see EJBCA SaaS Configuration Guide.

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

SU-97 - Cancel button added to "More Info" page so that configuration can be performed at a later date

SU-96 - Links page links are now in expandable accordion style drop downs

SU-123, SU-203, SU-190 - FAQ Updated

SU-116, SU-152, SU-91, SU-166 - EJBCA Access Appearance enhancements including notes field for IPs being added and increase IP Addresses allowed to 30

SU-128 - Feedback Additions to include new pages

SU-121 - Add password strength meter to forgot password page

SU-144 - Certain pages disabled when provisioning is in progress

SU-147 - Source IP page will now alert when there are unsaved changes

SU-8, SU-186 - Enable 2FA TOTP for portal access and Root CA startup

SU-159 - Updated chart colors on main dashboard

SU-148 - Confirmation on registration page that email was successfully confirmed after clicking confirmation link

SU-151 - Deployment status now shows on all pages, not just the dashboard

SU-197 - Update HREF Links

SU-199 - More Info and Help Link

SU-101 - Status bar would not close properly when Root CA startup and shutdown would occur and pages changed.

SU-166 - Long names with no spaces in description for IP addresses wrap correctly

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