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EJBCA SaaS 2.11 Release Notes

JUNE 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of EJBCA SaaS 2.11.0.

This release introduces the self-service Software Updates page. When a new version of EJBCA becomes available, portal users will be able to update their deployments without requiring any outside assistance.


Software Updates

Users will now be able to update to new versions of EJBCA with just a few clicks, eliminating a common cause for contacting support.

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

New Features

  • SU-897, SU-898 - Software Update capability, includes new user privilege


  • SU-940 - Prevent Source IP entries of, for all values of x except 0.  
  • Several dependency libraries updated to latest versions
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