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Batch Creating Certificates

Certificates can be created batch-wise with EJBCA. The class org.ejbca.ui.cli.batch.BatchMakeP12 creates keystore files for all users designated as NEW or FAILED in the local RA database. To be able to batch generate certificates, the users must be registered with clear text passwords. To set a clear text password for a user use

bin/ ra setclearpwd username password
bin/ ra setendentitystatus username 10

The same is accomplished in the CA UI by checking the checkbox Batch generation when adding the user.

To generate keystore files for all users with status NEW or FAILED, run

bin/ batch 

This will generate files for users if their clear text passwords are NOT null.

Without arguments 'batch' generates keystore files for all NEW or FAILED users. To generate a keystore file for a specific user, enter command

bin/ batch username

Generated keystore files are stored in a subdirectory (to the current directory) called 'p12'. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Make sure this directory is WELL protected, since the information contained in keystore files are secret (private keys). The format of keystores generated, PKCS12, JKS or PEM, is defined when adding the user in the database (using 'bin/ ra addendentity' or the CA UI).

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