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Securosys Primus HSM and CloudHSM Service

Securosys Primus HSM or CloudHSM (HSM as a service) are based on hardware security modules (HSMs), developed by Securosys, designed to perform sensitive cryptographic tasks and securely manage cryptographic keys and data.


The Primus HSM or CloudHSM service can be used as a hardware security module for an EJBCA installation, using a REST based Crypto Tokens PKCS#11. The HSM supports all standard algorithms, including RSA, ECDSA, and Ed25519 (not in legacy Sun P11 crypto token). Using the REST-based crypto token (EJBCA Enterprise) is the recommended approach where Securosys is available directly when adding a new crypto token. For more information, refer to the Securosys Docs on Securosys HSMs & EJBCA.

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