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SignServer Cloud 3.0 Release Notes


We are pleased to announce the release of SignServer Cloud 3.0.

For available deployment options and associated versions, refer to Supported Versions.

SignServer Enterprise Upgrade

SignServer Cloud updates SignServer Enterprise to version 7.0. For more information, see SignServer Release Notes.

Improvements and corrections

The following lists changes included in the release.


SSCLOUD-59 JAVA_OPTS are broken


SSCLOUD-56 Alter build process to always get latest NodeJS version - Previous was always 16.X

SSCLOUD-57 Install mssql-tools without ODBC component

SSCLOUD-58 Remove and cleanup all old Kernels and abandoned packages on image

SSCLOUD-60 Add setting for SSLRenegBufferSize in Apache

SSCLOUD-61 Upgrade Java to JDK17

SSCLOUD-62 Upgrade WildFly to version 33.0.1

SSCLOUD-63 Upgrade SignServer to 7.0.0

SSCLOUD-64 Upgrade CloudHSM SDK to version 5

Upgrade Information

For information on how to upgrade a SignServer Cloud hourly instance node from one version of SignServer to another, see the SignServer Cloud Restore and Upgrade Guide.

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