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Crypto Token Generate CSR Page

Generation of certificate signing requests.

Make sure each key that should have a CSR generated is selected.

Generate CSR

KeyThe key alias of the key to generate the CSR for.
Signature Algorithm

The signature algorithm to use when creating the signature in the CSR (proof-of-possession).

By default, the signature algorithms can be selected from a drop-down list listing common algorithms. Note that some of these algorithms might not be supported by the crypto token used.

To specify a signature algorithm manually, click >.

Note that the algorithm must work with the key algorithm used (i.e. RSA or ECDSA).


  • SHA256withRSA
  • SHA256withECDSA

Subject DN to include in the CSR.

Certification Authorities might or might not use this information when creating the certificate.


  • CN=My PDF Signer,O=PrimeKey Solutions,C=SE
ResultAfter clicking the Generate button, this column shows a button for each worker to download the generated CSR file.

Format Options

Standard CSRCreates a normal PKCS#10 certificate signing request.
CSR signed by worker

Create a PKCS#10 certificate signing request that is encapsulated in a PKCS#7/CMS SignedData structure.

If selected, use the drop-down list to select the CMS signer that will sign the request.



Performs the CSR generation for each selected key.

The Result column will provide a download button for each CSR generated.

CancelReturns to the previous page.
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