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SignServer 5.2.1 Release Notes

The PrimeKey SignServer team is pleased to announce the release of SignServer 5.2.1.

This release brings support for APPX signing using the new signers Appx Signer and Appx CMS Signer. APPX is a Microsoft application distribution file format introduced with Microsoft Windows 8.

Upgrade Information

No database changes are required for this release.

Review the SignServer Upgrade Notes for important information on changes and requirements to be aware of when upgrading SignServer. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade SignServer.

Change Log: Resolved Issues

For full details of fixed bugs and implemented features in SignServer 5.2.1, refer to our JIRA Issue Tracker.

Issues Resolved in 5.2.1

Released December 2019

New Features

DSS-2065 - Implement APPX Signing


DSS-2083 - Integrate first APPX code


DSS-2066 - Implement tests for APPX

DSS-2082 - Create common module for common code between MSAuthCode client- and server-side implementations

DSS-2086 - Set path to WildFly 14 as default for running system tests from within the IDE

DSS-2091 - AppxCMSSigner should fail if FILE_TYPE request metadata property is not the expected

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