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SignServer 5.6.1 Release Notes

The PrimeKey SignServer team is pleased to announce the release of SignServer 5.6.1.

This minor release brings improvements for the SHAxWithRSAandMGF1 / RSASSA-PSS algorithms on certain Java versions. These improvements are required in certain customer deployments due to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementations.

The SignServer 5.6.1 release also includes other improvements and bug fixes.

Deployment options include SignServer Hardware Appliance and SignServer Cloud.

Upgrade Information

No database changes are required for this release.

Review the SignServer Upgrade Notes for important information on changes and requirements to be aware of when upgrading SignServer. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade SignServer.

SignServer 5.6.1 is included in SignServer Hardware Appliance and SignServer Cloud.

Change Log: Resolved Issues

For full details of fixed bugs and implemented features in SignServer 5.6.1, refer to our JIRA Issue Tracker.

Issues Resolved in 5.6.1

Released April 2021


DSS-2255 - Upgrade BC to 1.68

DSS-2261 - Give error for WS requests at high priority not configured for such

DSS-2287 - Support both old and new algorithm names for SHAxWithRSAandMGF1 / SHAxWithRSASSA-PSS in Plain Signer

DSS-2294 - Web filter that can be overriden

DSS-2295 - Introduce git ignore files and add some IDE specific ignores to SVN

Bug Fixes

DSS-2257 - Setting debug logging in SignClient Windows batch file is broken

DSS-2268 - Algorithms such as SHAxWithRSAandMGF1 not working with OpenJDK 8u.x even though they should be supported

DSS-2269 - Request metadata value passed through SignClient can not contain equals sign

DSS-2293 - Regression: Duplicated WSDL files and file names only different by casing may cause issues if building from source in Windows

DSS-2296 - AdminWS call getPKCS10CertificateRequestForAlias is broken on newer SignServer

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