Deploy a Virtual Machine on KVM based Hypervisors
The following covers how to deploy a virtual machine (VM) on KVM-based hypervisors.
Before installing the Software Appliance, review the System Requirements.
Note that there are various ways to deploy a virtual machine on a KVM server and the following example steps describe how to transfer and extract the downloaded files.
To proceed you can perform the steps below:
- Download the Software Appliance package for your hypervisor from your Keyfactor download area.
Transferring the downloaded file directly to your KVM server via SCP (secure copy) to your datastore location /var/lib/libvirt/images :
TEXTscp Keyfactor<Ejbca/SignServer>SoftwareAppliance-x.x.x.tar.gz user@<kvm-host>:/var/lib/libvirt/images
Next on your KVM server, extract the tar archive inside of your datastore.
Do so by typing the command:TEXTtar -xzf Keyfactor<Ejbca/SignServer>SoftwareAppliance-x.x.x.tar.gz
- Contents of the package:
The tar file contains two disks as .qcow2 disk images with both disks thin partitioned.
Additionally, a working sample XML definition for the Software Appliance, for KVM based hypervisors is included.
A script for generating an XML with the following name: generateXmlDefinition.bash
The sample XML definition file has the following name: defaultDefinition.xml Change to the directory that has been extracted.
TEXTcd /path/to/your/datastore/KeyfactorSoftwareAppliance
You can optionally supply the name of the VM as an argument for the script.
If no name is supplied the default naming scheme ( Keyfactor Ejbca/SignServer Software Appliance x.x.x) is used.TEXT./generateXmlDefinition.bash "YourVmNameHere"
After the execution of the script, the new generatedDefinition.xml file has been generated.
Now you can import the VM by running the following command:
TEXTvirsh define generatedDefinition.xml
The machine is now ready to be started.
- Once the VM has started, log in to the Software Appliance.