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EJBCA Software Appliance 2.4.2 Release Notes


We are pleased to announce the release of EJBCA Software Appliance version 2.4.2.

Please note that this release includes an adjustment of the time reference to UTC.

The release also brings an updated version of EJBCA Enterprise and other minor improvements and corrections to enhance system stability and performance.


Setting Time Reference to UTC

EJBCA Software Appliance 2.4.2 adjusts the time zone of the operating system from Europe/Stockholm to UTC. With this adjustment, all reported times will be synchronized, preventing log entries from appearing to have occurred 1 or 2 hours (depending on summer or winter time) before their actual timestamps.

The change will improve the accuracy and usability of log data, for example in Splunk.

New version of EJBCA Enterprise

EJBCA Enterprise has been updated to version 8.1. For more information, see the EJBCA Release Notes.

Entrust nShield Improvements

Deletion of Local Key Management Data

Keys created with the RFS Mode Readonly will now persist and can be removed with a new feature that allows you to delete local key management data. If keys are created with Read and Write, they will always persist unless you delete them on the remote file system (RFS). For more information, see Configuring an Entrust nShield Connect HSM.

Remote Operator Card Enhancement

A new Remote Operator feature now allows you to load an Operator Card Sets (OCS) protected key onto machines that you cannot physically access, for example, those in secure areas.

Syslog Improvement

A previously occurring issue that could gradually exhaust memory space has now been resolved.

Upgrade Information

For information on the required steps to update the version of the EJBCA Software Appliance, see Update Software Appliance Version.

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