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EJBCA 6.7 Release Notes

The PrimeKey EJBCA team is pleased to announce the feature release EJBCA 6.7.

The following covers information on new features and improvements in the 6.7.0 releases:

Read the EJBCA 6.7 Upgrade Notes for important information about this release. For upgrade instructions and information on upgrade paths, see Upgrading EJBCA.

EJBCA 6.7.0

The EJBCA 6.7.0 release adds official support for MS Autoenrollment, implemented as an enrollment Proxy/Gateway, which is delivered as a separate component. In addition to this, there are many security fixes and enhancements in this release, plugging a few holes and making it harder than ever to misuse EJBCA.


  • Native Windows Autoenrollment, using a separate autoenrollment proxy component.
  • Support for CT logs that use RSA instead of ECC.
  • Ability to search for approval requests in the new RA interface.
  • Ability to limit which Extension OIDs are acceptable to Override, gives better control over RAs.


  • Ordering of configured CT logs is now kept, and there is a possibility to re-order them.
  • Additional security hardening, including updated library dependencies.
  • Not requiring '@' in rfc822Name improves integration with Cisco ISE.
  • Allowing native CAs to be Vendor CAs for CMP testing.
  • A new field for "Default CA issuer URI" in the CA configuration makes some use cases more efficient.

Bug Fixes

  • Security fixes
  • Lots of minor usability issues fixed.


This is a patch release for ECA-5853, where upgrade to 6.7.0 from certain versions of EJBCA failed due to an NullPointerException in Certificate PrRofiles.

Change Log: Resolved Issues

For full details of fixed bugs and implemented features in EJBCA 6.7.x, refer to our JIRA Issue Tracker.

Issues Resolved in 6.7.0

Released on 8 March 2017

Bug Fixes

[ECA-2971] - Show error when validity is specified without unit in Certificate Profile form
[ECA-4021] - Creating a CA using an validity date in the past fails silently
[ECA-4140] - Access Rules: Remove forcing Advanced Mode
[ECA-4467] - SCEP rollover test case fails in certain circumstances
[ECA-5025] - Debug log if certain special characters in SubjectDNs are present when using statedump
[ECA-5284] - Requesting admin can still see approval options on CA
[ECA-5396] - Enrollment code (password) is not evaluated inside approval notification e-mail
[ECA-5530] - Regression: Order of CT logs is lost when saving system configuration
[ECA-5548] - Minor security issue
[ECA-5562] - Avoid read of cached GlobalConfigurationData from making it a managed entity
[ECA-5569] - Special characters are not displayed correctly in the AdminGUI
[ECA-5574] - Fix printing null as exception message on enrollment pages
[ECA-5580] - Accumulative profiles do not validate values
[ECA-5598] - KaRA approving certificate revocation requires /ca_functionality/approve_caaction privileges
[ECA-5599] - Autocomplete should be off in password fields
[ECA-5601] - Security Issue
[ECA-5605] - Security improvement
[ECA-5606] - Document that Public web self registration requires a new Approval profile after upgrade to 6.6.0 (or an NPE is thrown)
[ECA-5624] - Security improvement
[ECA-5626] - Regression: not possible to list CMP aliases that reference the KeyId end entity profile
[ECA-5643] - SLF4J gives warning output in CLI
[ECA-5682] - Unescape + character before generating a certificate
[ECA-5687] - EJBCA 6.5.0 Community post-upgrade does not fail gracefully
[ECA-5690] - EJBCA plugins doesn't work with JDK 8
[ECA-5718] - Regression: Characters ÄÅÖ are displayed incorrectly when you Add End Entity
[ECA-5738] - CA Name Change, CRL number of Name Changed CA CRL is not in sequence with the original CA

New Feature
[ECA-5124] - Custom search for approvals, for searching by date, for expired requests or different admin
[ECA-5139] - Limit OIDs that are acceptable in Extension Override
[ECA-5304] - Default "CA issuer URI" for CA
[ECA-5352] - Statedump should include approval profiles
[ECA-5550] - Ensure that self signed CA's include their own certificate in their revocation CRLs
[ECA-5593] - CMP: Allowing native CAs to be Vendor CAs in test mode
[ECA-5689] - OCSP transaction logging, add revocation reason as field

[ECA-5494] - Remove references to superseeded app.version.effective property
[ECA-5508] - Subtract actual wait in PeerRaThrottleCounter

[ECA-4294] - Use JDBC to detect index presence
[ECA-4382] - Deprecate ocsp.responderidtype in
[ECA-4585] - Clarify value 0 for OCSP response validity and max-age
[ECA-4603] - Update CT jar and its dependencies
[ECA-4835] - Security hardening
[ECA-4838] - Security hardening
[ECA-4859] - Implement support for CT logs that use RSA instead of ECC
[ECA-4901] - Handle empty UserData and CertificateData subjectDN on Oracle and DB2 in Oracle compatibility mode
[ECA-4997] - Regression: Reimplement CMP Unid support
[ECA-5086] - KaRA-Approvals: Remove cache when getting approval profile authorization string
[ECA-5116] - Support for renaming key aliases via statedump overrides
[ECA-5308] - approvalSession.addApprovalRequest should return created id
[ECA-5325] - Improve javadoc of EnrollMakeNewRequestBean.getSubjectDn
[ECA-5369] - KaRA: Ability to un-expire an expired approval request
[ECA-5374] - Remove unused authenticationToken in ApprovalSession.query
[ECA-5423] - Fix spelling of getEndEntityProfileiId
[ECA-5426] - Audit log does not show the changes made in EE
[ECA-5457] - Rename ApprovalProfile.getApprovalProfileIdentifier()
[ECA-5463] - Add confirmation when saving End Entity Profiles
[ECA-5477] - Document that Allow subject DN override by CSR is a pre-requisite for CMPTest
[ECA-5504] - Make it possible to re-order CT logs
[ECA-5522] - newly added Log URL and Timeout (ms) display
[ECA-5551] - Minor EJBCA WS test robustness fixes
[ECA-5556] - Put public static variables in GeneralPurposeCustomPublisher in correct case
[ECA-5557] - Keep key aliases (key pair infos) sorted in statedumps
[ECA-5559] - Show key specification when viewing an approval request
[ECA-5560] - Replace references to the deprecated class X509Extension
[ECA-5561] - Approval requests from unauthenticated RA users appear to originate from CLI
[ECA-5563] - Pre-6.6.1 statedumps can no longer be imported since EJBCA 6.6.1
[ECA-5564] - Show all warnings from Statedump in CLI / AdminWeb output
[ECA-5572] - GenerateToken.generateOrKeyRecoverToken throws Exception
[ECA-5573] - Try to use NoSuchEndEntityException for all exception handling of lost EEs
[ECA-5576] - Remove unused variables in RAAuthorization
[ECA-5583] - ExternalRA tests can't run due to missing JARs
[ECA-5588] - Replace UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile with EndEntityProfileValidationException
[ECA-5589] - Keep sort and search settings when going back in Manage Requests page
[ECA-5597] - Replace dummy CN values in keystore certs
[ECA-5636] - KaRA: add a request control filter
[ECA-5638] - Security: Upgrade commons-fileupload to 1.3.2
[ECA-5639] - Security: Upgrade batik to 1.7.1
[ECA-5640] - Security: Upgrade xstream to 1.4.9
[ECA-5641] - Security: Upgrade commons-beanutils to 1.9.3
[ECA-5645] - CSR should be stored as Base64 in ExtendedInformation instead of binary
[ECA-5646] - Add CSR if available to findendentity cli command
[ECA-5650] - Don't require @ in rfc822Name when validating End Entity profiles
[ECA-5651] - Add some documentation for Native MS Autoenrollment
[ECA-5691] - Add possibility to get any CRL using CLI command

Issues Resolved in

Released on 27 April 2017

Bug Fix

[ECA-5853] - Upgrade to 6.7.0 fails due to Use Default CA Issue value

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