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EJBCA 9.2.1 Release Notes


The EJBCA team is pleased to announce the release of EJBCA 9.2.1. This maintenance release includes corrections and improvements related to NSEC3-exceptions during CAA check, MPIC Validator, Keystore based enrollment, ConfigDump and CMP.

The EJBCA 9.2.1 release is available for software and container-based deployments. For available deployment options and associated versions, refer to Supported Versions.

Upgrade Information

For upgrade instructions and information on upgrade paths, see Upgrading EJBCA.

Change Log: Resolved Issues

The following lists fixed issues in EJBCA 9.2.1.

Issues Resolved in 9.2.1

Released February 2025

Bug Fixes

ECA-12946 Renovate handling of NSEC3 opt-out

ECA-12978 Regression: Change in AdminWeb - System Configuration - My Preferences breaks ConfigDump

ECA-12988 End entity password edit fails from adminweb when it uses keystore based enrollment

ECA-13052 Statedump export fails if there's an MPIC Validator

ECA-13055 MPIC Validator import not supported by ConfigDump

ECA-13083 Password bit strength calculation error gives one bit lower than documented

ECA-13100 Regression: DN ordering issue in CMP protocol using EJBCA 9.2

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