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Remote Authenticators Overview

The following provides information about the concepts of Remote Authenticators (Internal Keybindings).

For more information about how to manage Remote Authenticators, see Managing Remote Authenticators

Note that prior to EJBCA 7.11.0, Remote Systems were known as Authentication Keybindings.


When EJBCA connects to another node running EJBCA (e.g. a CA connecting to a VA or RA) it does so over the Peers Protocol, which uses mTLS and is always initiated by the CA.


The server-side authentication (from the RA) is handled through standard TLS measures, but for mTLS the client (the CA) has to provide authentication as well. The Remote Authenticator object provides a wrapper for a crypto token (containing a client-side TLS key) that can be signed by a CA known to the RA. 

An Internal Key Binding can be used to make keys in a Crypto Token available for other uses than in a CA. It is a reference to a key pair available to the EJBCA instance, a non-CA certificate, an optional list of trusted certificates and properties for its purpose. It can be thought of as a simplified key store with purpose-specific properties. Once created and signed, the Remote Authenticator can be chosen in a Peer Connector to authenticate the connection. 

Certificate Constraints

When issuing a certificate for a Remote Authenticator, the following constraints must be fulfilled:

  • The certificate must have Key Usage: Digital Signature. The certificate should also have Key Usage: Key Encipherment if the key is an RSA key.
  • The certificate must have Extended Key Usage: Client Authentication.


The following provides an overview of the configuration. For a step-by-step example, see Setting up a Remote Authenticator.

Common Settings




Unique identifying number.


A unique and human readable name.

Crypto Token

The Crypto Token where we reference a key pair.

Key Pair Alias

A reference to the currently used key pair in the specified Crypto Token.

Signature Algorithm

The signature algorithm user during signing, for example the signing of an OCSP response.

Next Key Pair Alias

A reference to the next key pair to use in the specified Crypto Token when renewing.

Trusted Server Certificates

The Remote Authenticator can be constrained to a limited subset of servers to be able to connect to. 

  • By default, any remote server-side TLS certificate issued by a CA that exists in the local EJBCA instance will be trusted.
  • By specifying a CA, you can choose to trust only TLS certificates issued by this CA.
  • By specifying both a CA and a certificate serial number, only the specific TLS certificate will be trusted.

Protocol And Cipher Suite

The Authentication Key Binding defines a protocol and a cipher suite to use for the outgoing TLS connection. The protocols and cipher suites accessible in EJBCA are configured in

To add additional protocols and cipher suites, do the following:

  1. Copy from EJBCA's conf directory and use it as a template. If allow.external-dynamic.configuration is enabled, you can override the default configuration by putting the configuration file in /etc/cesecore/conf.
  2. Edit and look for the Authentication Key Binding settings. Specify the supported protocols and cipher suites using the authkeybind.ciphersuite property. For example:


    A complete list of all available protocols and cipher suites to choose from is available in the Java Cryptography Architecture Oracle Providers Documentation for JDK 8 or the corresponding document for your JDK distribution.

  3. If allow.external-dynamic.configuration is enabled it should be sufficient to restart the application server for the changes to take effect. Otherwise, you need to recompile and redeploy EJBCA.
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