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SignServer 6.1 Release Notes


The SignServer team is pleased to announce the release of SignServer 6.1. This release introduces support for Fortanix Data Security Manager (DSM) and includes improvements and error corrections. In addition, Bouncy Castle has been upgraded to 1.74. 

Deployment options include SignServer Software Appliance and SignServer Cloud.


Fortanix DSM Support

In SignServer 6.1, a new Fortanix Crypto Token is introduced to support Fortanix Data Security Manager (DSM) Cloud HSM. The integration between SignServer and Fortanix DSM uses the Fortanix DSM REST API, see FortanixCryptoToken. For more information on the algorithms supported with Fortanix DSM, see Algorithm Support

Upgrade Information

Review the SignServer Upgrade Notes for important upgrade information. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade SignServer.

SignServer 6.1 is included in SignServer Software Appliance 2.4.2 and will be included in the upcoming SignServer Cloud 1.15.

Change Log: Resolved Issues

The following lists fixed bugs and implemented features in SignServer 6.1.

Issues Resolved in 6.1

Released September 2023

New Features

DSS-2618 - Fortanix DSM support


DSS-2585 - Upgrade commons-net to 3.9.0

DSS-2642 - Update ExtendedCMSSigner worker template to include SIGNING_MODE property

DSS-2662 - Upgrade to BC 1.74 & matching x509-common-util

DSS-2669 - Document the need for SELFSIGNED_SIGNATUREALGORITHM in FIPS mode

DSS-2671 - Document ProtectedAuthenticationPathFlagStatus in troubleshooting section

Bug Fixes

DSS-2629 - Can not generate key with certificate containing curve not supported by Java even with P11NG CryptoToken

DSS-2655 - Regression: SignClient with protocol Webservices and ClientWS broken after cxf update

DSS-2665 - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException with PostgreSQL and default persistence.xml

DSS-2667 - XAdESValidator1UnitTest broken after expired cert 20 Aug 2023

DSS-2672 - XMLSignerTest failures after expired test certificate 20 Aug 2023

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