Deployment Reference
The following provides an Ant Target Shortlist and lists files and/or functions copied/touched during various ant targets called.
Ant Target Shortlist
Deploying EJBCA
ant deployear
Files Deployed
- ejbca.ear is deployed to the standalone/deployments directory in JBoss/WildFly
Installing EJBCA
ant runinstall
Files Deployed
- TLS keystores (keystore.jks and truststore.jks) and superadmin keystore (superadmin.p12) are created in the directory p12
- Will create initial Management CA and TLS and superadmin users in the database
Upgrading EJBCA
To upgrade EJBCA, and thus only deploy a new ejbca.ear file, use the following command:
ant deployear
Deploying a Key Store to JBoss/Wildfly
ant deploy-keystore
Files Deployed
keystore.jks is deployed from p12 to standalone/configuration/keystore/
truststore.jks is deployed from p12 to standalone/configuration/keystore/