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Algorithm Support

This Crypto Token relies on support for different algorithms in Java and the SunPKCS11 provider/wrapper as well as support in the PKCS#11 standard, the used PKCS#11 driver from the HSM vendor, and the supported algorithms in the HSM. A complete list of supported algorithms can thus not be compiled here and the following lists algorithms that are tested and known to work with an HSM supporting it. Also, see the specific SignServer Signer for algorithms that signers can work with and review signer-specific algorithm support pages.

Signature Algorithms

Algorithm NameAlso Known AsComment
(tick)SHA1withRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5 using SHA1
(tick)SHA224withRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5 using SHA224
(tick)SHA256withRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5 using SHA256
(tick)SHA384withRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5 using SHA384
(tick)SHA512withRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5 using SHA512
(tick)NONEwithRSARSASSA-PKCS_v1.5Depending on the Signer. Generally only supported by Plain Signer.


RSASSA-PSS using SHA1Using Java 11 or using Java 8 only for key size => 4096 bits.


RSASSA-PSS using SHA224Using Java 11 or using Java 8 only for key size => 4096 bits.


RSASSA-PSS using SHA256Using Java 11 or using Java 8 only for key size => 4096 bits.


RSASSA-PSS using SHA384Using Java 11 or using Java 8 only for key size => 4096 bits.
(tick)SHA512withRSAandMGF1RSASSA-PSS using SHA512Using Java 11 or using Java 8 only for key size => 4096 bits.
(error)NONEwithRSAandMGF1RSASSA-PSSNot supported by Java/SunPKCS11.


ECDSA using SHA1


ECDSA using SHA224


ECDSA using SHA256


ECDSA using SHA384
(tick)SHA512withECDSAECDSA using SHA512
(tick)NONEwithECDSAECDSADepending on the Signer. Generally only supported by Plain Signer.

Key Algorithms

Algorithm NameKey SpecificationComment


Other key lengths are likely also working.

Named curves:

  • secp256r1 / prime256v1 / P-256
  • secp384r1
  • secp521r1
More named curves are likely working.
(error)ECDSAExplicit Parameters

A signer can be configured using the EXPLICTECC parameter (see Other Properties) to encode the EC parameters explicitly in the request. This goes for the supported named curves but a named curve is still needed when generating the key-pair.

But certificates with explicit EC parameters can no be read from the token.

(warning) If the token contains certificates with explicit parameters the token can not be used by this crypto token until those certificates has been removed!

Instead store the certificates in the worker configuration and certificates with explicit EC parameters can be used that way.


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