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EJBCA Enterprise Quick Start Guide

This guide is intended for users unfamiliar with the PrimeKey EJBCA Enterprise and walks through a quick configuration. This will cover both configuration of Certificate Authorities (CAs) and the required profiles within EJBCA, and is intended to get a 2 Tier CA running.

This Quick Start Guide covers all levels of the CA structure in EJBCA from the Crypto Tokens to the End Entities themselves.

It is recommended to have Apache running in front of EJBCA for both performance and security reasons. If Apache is running in front of the EJBCA instance, access the administration interface with a URL like the following: https://<FQDN or IP>:8443/ejbca/adminweb/. If you have Apache, the URL will be: https://<FQDN or IP>/ejbca/adminweb/.

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