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Worker Status Properties Page

Displays the status of a worker in properties form and offers the ability to inspect the certificates.


IDWorker ID of the worker.
NameName of the worker.
Worker status

ACTIVE or OFFLINE depending on if the configuration is correct and the token is active. Shows DISABLED if the worker property DISABLED=true, see Other properties.

Token statusACTIVE or OFFLINE depending on if the crypto token has been correctly activated or not.
Validity not before

The first date the worker can produce valid signatures.

This might be the same as the "not before" date of its signer certificate or from the private key usage period date in the certificate (if one).

Validity not after

The last date the worker can produce valid signatures.

This might be the same as the "not after" date of its signer certificate, from the private key usage period date in the certificate (if one) or the validity of the certificate minus the value from the MINREMAININGCERTVALIDITY worker property (if one).

Signer certificateClick the Details link to display the currently configured signer certificate.
Certificate chainClick the Details link to display the currently configured signer certificate chain.

Worker Actions

ActivateOpens the activation page.
DeactivateOpens the deactivation page.
Renew KeyOpens the key generation page.
Test KeyOpens the test key page.
Generate CSROpens the certificate signing request page.
Install CertificatesOpens the certificate installation page.
Renew SignerOpens the automatic renewal page.
Destroy KeyOpens the key removal page.
RemoveOpens the worker removal page.
Reload from DatabaseOpens the reload from database page.
ExportOpens the export page.
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